sue | lieu | suit | beauty | cubic |
fluid | juice | beautiful | cuticle | mutiny |
purity |
27. Regular Short Sound of U, as in but, marked u.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 2lungs | plush | trump | slumber | russet |
duchess | scuffle | clump | stunt | skulk |
young | buttery | custody | luxury | summary |
28. Sound of U when preceded by r in the same syllable, as in rude, marked u.
It is the same sound as oo.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 3It is the same sound as oo.
true | crude | rule | rumor | rural |
prune | truce | spruce | cruise |
29. Sound of U like that of short oo, as in put, marked u.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 4bull | pull | put | push | pulpit |
pulley | cushion | fully | bushy | butcher |
bulletin |
30. Sound of U before r in such words as urge, marked u.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 5urge | burn | spur | curb | journey |
spurn | nurse | burst | urgency | curliness |
journalist |
31. Regular Long Sound of Y, as in fly, marked y.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 6apply | deny | rely | reply | tyrant |
hydra | typhus | type | dynasty | asylum |
hyena |
32. Regular Short Sound of Y, as in hymn, marked y.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 7cyst | system | syntax | lyric | lymph |
nymph | symmetry | syndicate | synopsis |
33. The sound of oi or oy (unmarked), as heard in oil, oyster.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 8voice | troy | poise | recoil | rejoice |
destroy | employ | spoil | moist | broil |
choice | enjoyment | disjointed | employment | appointment |
34. The sound of ow (unmarked), as heard in owl. When the ow is sounded as
in blown, the o is marked long (blown).
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 9in blown, the o is marked long (blown).
howl | gown | cowl | down | allow |
endow | vowel | crowd | prowl | scowl |
brown | flowery | powerful |
35. The diphthong ou has two leading sounds: that of ow in words derived
from the Anglo-Saxon, as in out; and that of oo in words derived from the
French, as in soup.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 10from the Anglo-Saxon, as in out; and that of oo in words derived from the
French, as in soup.
sour | pout | soup | groundless | roulette |
grouping | mount | wound | announcement | unfounded |
36. The consonant C has two regular sounds: as soft c in cede, marked c;
as hard c in cot, where it has the sound of k, and is marked c.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 11as hard c in cot, where it has the sound of k, and is marked c.
clot | acts | acid | solace | tactic |
traffic | trace | brace | curd | cave |
December | incessant | enactment | elector |
37. The sound of N as heard in link, is marked thus, n, which is the same sound
as that represented by ng.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 12as that represented by ng.
monk | sunk | monkey | congress | language |
drink | trunk | singular | drunkenness |
38. S bas two regular sounds: when unmarked it has its sharp or hissing sound,
as in yes; when marked thus, s, it has the buzzing sound of z in
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 13as in yes; when marked thus, s, it has the buzzing sound of z in
zeal | sick | pest | has | ease |
vestment | amuse | infuse | smelt | gross |
grows | ruse | possessive | assessor | resemble |
resonant |
39. Ch has three sounds: unmarked (English ch), it has nearly the sound of tsh, as in child;
marked thus, eh (French ch), it has the sound of sh, as in chaise; and marked thus, ch (Latin ch),
it has the sound of k, as in
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 14marked thus, eh (French ch), it has the sound of sh, as in chaise; and marked thus, ch (Latin ch),
it has the sound of k, as in
chorus | such | chef | chasm | speechless |
machine | chemist | child | chaise | chocolate |
chivalry | character |
40. G has two regular sounds: marked thus, g (g hard), it has the sound of g in go; marked thus,
g (g soft), it has the compound sound of j, as in gym
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 15g (g soft), it has the compound sound of j, as in gym
gem | gearing | gender | sluggish | gesture |
slug | crag | giddiness | guillotine | general |
41. Th has two sounds: its sharp sound, as in thing, which is unmarked, and its soft sound,
as in thine, marked th.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 16as in thine, marked th.
thin | thaw | this | than | thesis |
gather | bother | breath | theft | breathe |
mythical | theory | hitherto | otherwise |
42. X has three sounds: its regular sharp sound (unmarked) like ks, as in
expect, and its soft or flat sound like gz, as in exist, marked x;. At the
beginning of words x has the sound of z as in xebec (zebec).
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 17expect, and its soft or flat sound like gz, as in exist, marked x;. At the
beginning of words x has the sound of z as in xebec (zebec).
exit | excel | exalt | exempt | expansive |
example | extraneous | exterior | executive |
43. Q is followed in all cases by u, and has usually the sound of kw, as in queen;
but in a few words derived from the French, qu is sounded like k, as in coquette.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 18but in a few words derived from the French, qu is sounded like k, as in coquette.
quack | queen | plaque | clique | quorum |
piquant | quote | torque | quotation |
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 19
cascade | exchange | inflame | partake | address |
reflex | arrest | contest | depress | amaze |
abrade | crusade |
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 20
debase | regret | except | expect | expend |
express | include | refuse | manure | inject |
invent |
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 21
oppress | redress | alarm | afar | remark |
debark | embark | acquit | adrift | remiss |
befit | persist |
Words accented on the last Syllable.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 22abrupt | construct | instruct | attire | entice |
entire | incline | incite | discuss | deduct |
rebut |
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 23
result | invite | oblige | perspire | sublime |
survive | across | adopt | aloft | belong |
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 24
report | console | agree | asleep | esteem |
decree | degree | disclose | dispose | restore |
explode |
Words accented on the first Syllable.
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 25contact | forest | hobby | lofty | logic |
ambush | aspect | nostril | product | problem |
roster |
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 26
torrent | bankrupt | havoc | haggard | hatchet |
curry | fulcrum | huddle | public | publish |
kindred |
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 27
picket | ticket | invoice | pungent | rustic |
rubbish | sulky | sultry | scribble | triplet |
trickle | lizard |
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 28
native | pavement | putrid | purist | equal |
freedom | meeting | bounty | county | coward |
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 29
drowsy | fountain | cypress | Friday | iceberg |
libel | migrate | powder | prowess | soundings |
Bài học Viết chính tả Từ vựng 30
towel | tower | tribal | crisis | hydrant |
science | silent | boyhood | joyous | loiter |
loyal |
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